KeyBlaze Free Typing Tutor is a highly interactive program which will help users enhance their existing typing skills. This can be an excellent option for writers, marketers, secretaries and anyone who wishes to increase the amount of words typed per minute. This software is absolutely free to download. It can work with both Mac and Windows operating Functions and ToolsKeyBlaze Free Typing Tutor is unlike many contemporary programs due to the fact that lessons are offered in an fun and interactive manner. This will help to prevent boredom while simultaneously promoting the proper techniques. All tasks are arranged in a hierarchical manner, so the user can choose his or her starting point depending upon their existing skill levels. Fun games are offered and audio dictation lessons can be ideal ways to learn the art of transcription. Visual displays will help to highlight where one’s fingers should be (function() { (‘review-app-page-desktop’); });Additional UsesKeyBlaze Free Typing Tutor encourages users to employ all ten fingers; excellent for anyone who is accustomed to pecking at keys. An algorithm will highlight words that require more practice and it automatically calculates the amount of typed per minute. A virtual overlay of two transparent hands and an on-screen keyboard provide a useful visual guide during the learning process.
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